Monday, May 18, 2009

Grahams Latest Injury

A few days ago we went to a new park that had a rock climbing wall. The kids had a blast. Not only did they have a cool rock climbing wall they also had lots of BIG cool slides. Alex had just climbed the wall and was sitting at the top helping Haley and of course Graham just could not wait for his turn. I was helping Haley from below and somehow Graham started climbing. He got about 3 “notches” up and fell. On his way down he hit is eye on one of the foot notches. I knew it hurt, not only did I hear him hit I could feel him hit! I picked him up immediately and comforted him and he stopped crying. I noticed that his eye was red and assumed that he would have a black eye. As always he cried for about 5 seconds and was ready to go again. So I started to help him climb (and remember Alex is on top) and all of a sudden Alex told me his eye was bleeding. It was way gross. It was kinda like a boxer who has been punched but did not break the skin. Well apparently there was small cut that slowly ripped open and the blood started flowing. We ended up taking him to the ER but never going in. They might have put a stitch or glue but the wait was way too long and with swine flu crazy here it just was not worth the wait! He is much better now :)

The last picture is Graham the next morning. When he woke up the first thing he said was "my eye is fine"!

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