Monday, July 14, 2008

our sweet kidos

Haley and Graham love to take pictures. They also love to be silly. Here are a few pictures of this week. We saw these shirts on sale the other day for $2 and Haley was so excited to have matching shirts with Graham.

They are such goof balls.
Here is what they each do when I say "make a funny face". Graham will do ANYTHING that Haley does!

Graham had his first ice cream cone the other day. Sure he's eaten it before, but never had the chance to hold it and walk around. He was in heaven! Haley had fun with her ice cream mustache.

Graham after his ice cream!

Haley walked out the door on Sunday morning and said it was way too sunny to go to church without her sunglasses. She is so a little me. She even put them on her head when she was done wearing them!


Graham said...

I can't believe how much Haley looks like kelly. They are so precious. Looking forward to keeping up with you guys on the blog


Kelcei Chamberlain said...

I can't get over how much the kids have changed! They are so good looking. It blows my mind to think we are old enough to be married with children. We miss you guys and hope to see you when you are in town next month.
